Our founders, James and Beulah Cox, moved to Hamilton in 1946. At the time, James bought and sold horses and cattle, which eventually would lead to equipment. He started out buying and selling used work harness in London, Kentucky and soon sub-contracted with a harness maker to manufacture new harnesses and accessories.
In 1963, James opened James Cox Saddlery in its present location in Hamilton, Ohio with his sons, Charles and Del, with a full line of English and Western tack. In the 1980s, the next generation grabbed the reins, when Debbie Cox (Earls) continued in her family footsteps. Soon after, she added a full line of English and Western clothing, boots, helmets, jewelry and gift lines. Everything for the horse and rider except the horse!
We pride ourselves on being your one stop shop for all your horse and rider needs. We also do custom leather work, manufacture saddle pads and nylon and fleece products. We do quality tack and leather repair and custom work on site.
What James felt was good business in 1963 still holds true today; to provide great service, competitive prices and quality made merchandise. Many companies can give one or the other, but we feel they go hand in hand. We'll do our best to maintain this standard today and into the future.